Rating Prince Harry bag collection : a difficult yet important Thread to make :
First day at the Nursery School: Harry rock his most controversial yet boldest bag ever : the Thomas cho cho train bag
I give 7/10 for the courage to wear this but I can’t give more bc Thomas looks scary AF !
This bag was def a signature bag for him as his rock it for another occasion with this time a biker which make the look cooler.
8/10 this time ( Harry’s face maybe suggest he was not too sure about it tho... 😂)
This time little Harry have a crossbody brown little bag 💼 posing with assurance he knew already how to properly wear the bag
8/10 I could I have a 9 but the combo with the jacket was too much
First day of school and little Harry decided to go with a potato bag. Bold again and clearly a courageous choice but not so practical
9/10 just for his cute face 🥺
Harry finally found a real school bag to go to school but not a boring one obviously. He decided to rock the Limited edition of Bugs Bunny the footballer. I like the color coordination with his uniform
9/10 !
Harry is growing and so his bags : the school sport bag red and blue edition. Contrary to his brother he knows how to hold it avoiding to look like an idiot
7/10 a good note for a sport bag
This time Little Harry is on a business trip so he decided to rock a suitcase with a dashing suit. Looking every inch of supermodel this burgundy suitcase is a must have for a gentleman
10/10 !
Last day of his Eton years he decided to pack the list precious things in a trash bag : his most controversial bag ever. Looking like a man on a mission and happier than ever to leave this trash place
10/10 controversial Yes but perfect for the occasion
The traveling Bag : the bags you have when you go abroad living wild adventures. The bags that tells you gonna sleep in a tent ⛺️ and shower in a river ^^
8/10 too safe colors but happy Harry is the best
The polo bag : the Bag you won when you played your best polo in front of your wife ! An iconic day that gave us all the feels
12/10 ( Meghan is here so obviously extra points )
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