So while we’re talking about how Mucci doesn’t do milk, I don’t think I’ve ever told this story.

I had broken up with my gf (later to be my wife then ex wife) and moved to Virginia in 2006. Sometime during that year I was on the Metro going into DC with some friends and....
met a girl. She was funny, super smart, kinda looked like Gabby Union. We exchanged numbers and actually met up later that night after we got back into VA. We ended up dating for awhile, even had her over to Mamaw’s for dinner one night.

Anyway, one night we went to a movie....
and we’re standing in line waiting for popcorn and snacks and whatnot and these 2 dudes behind us start to say shit to her like, “why are you with him?” and “he’s not your type”. Now, we had had this discussion because her dad wouldn’t have liked her bringing a white guy home...
so, her being a little sensitive to this, she kinda lashed out. These dudes seemed GENUINELY shocked that she would have this reaction and finally the one dude spit out, “no no it’s not like that... he’s just way too short for you”... all I could say was..
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