I'm convinced 99% of people who make "lol more female drone pilots!" jokes couldn't point to the last time a US drone caused CIVCAS or provide any actual examples beyond broad handwaving.

US record on CIVCAS isn't something to be lauded. It also isn't what leftists pretend it is https://twitter.com/getongab/status/1352006852062547968
Frankly we shouldn't be dropping bombs if we can't be certain there's no civilians around unless it's literally Hitler 2.0 or like ole Z-dawg himself. And Trump did immeasurable damage to make it harder to stop/get transparency on CIVCAS.

But this reductionism is fucking stupid
and also ignores the actual conflict and people it tries to appropriate for its criticism. Who's bombing civilians in Syria now (and has been since the beginning)?

The Syrian regime and it's allies. On purpose. Daily.

Does that mean we should ignore past CIVCAS by the US?
Fuck no. We should absolutely hold ourselves to a higher standard than a despotic dictatorship.

But your "lol, I hear the pilot murdering Syrian refugees is trans!" jokes just reveal how shitty and ignorant you are, they aren't a cogent rebuke of policy.
I'm aware this is gab. And fuck right wingers dealing in this trash, too. But it's most frequently the part and parcel line of the far left who couldn't point to where Syria is on a map, much less where bombing is happening.
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