I have a long covid hypothesis. Many of rev symptoms sound like exaggerated symptoms of the menopause transition — heat, abnormal autonomic responses, brain fog to name a few. 1/n
With menopause there are changes in a subset of hypothalamic neurons called KNDy neurons that project from arcuate nucleus to preoptic area of hypothalamus. KNDy neurons are involved with thermoregulation. 2/n
The KNDy neurons are inhibited by estrogen, so as estrogen levels drop their signaling is unopposed and area in the brain these neurons innervate gets larger. The next result is more heat signals when you aren’t hot (wonky thermostat) 3/n
As COVID is neurotropic might KNDy neurons be involved? And if so might a NK3R antagonist that modulates KNDy activity (fezolinetant) be worth studying?
I could be way off base, but curious what others might think. 4/n
The first tweet should be many of the symptoms 5/n
We know hot flushes are linked with cardiac disease for many women but not why. One theory is a central neurogenic origin.

I am seeing lots of reports (could be reporting bias) of women in 40s and older with bad long covid and they obviously are a set up KNDy wise 6/n
Normally in wouldn’t spit a theory out into the ether, I’d do to a conference and start asking people, but those aren’t happening so I just thought I’d put it out there. 7/n

Side bar chats at conferences are so valuable. Sigh
This is a theory not fully worked out. Also, long covid could be several different phenomena. 8/n
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