Here is President Trump working the in Oval Office.

As tradition holds, a new administration always redecorates the Whitehouse. This typically takes weeks and or months.
It is curious that somehow, time was found to redecorate the oval office in half a day. 🤔

The wallpaper has magically changed, and the carpets have been torn out, revealing a wood floor.

Whilst Biden is busy signing blank EO's to "undo" what Trump did to put America first.
This is quite curious, indeed. 🤨

Why on Earth would Biden be on a movie set, if in fact what we watched yesterday was legitimate and accurate reporting?
Another curious detail...

Why would  lead to the Whitehouse website?

Is there an logical explanation for this, or is this just a conspiracy theory as well?
I am here to ask questions.
You should be too.
This is how patriots keep a BELIGERANT government in check.

Lest we allow the "great reset," which is great for all, minus the good and enslaved people of this earth.
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