Kenney's pugilistic approach may have played well with #ableg voters but it has alienated and isolated him from the allies he needs in Ottawa and in board rooms to get jobs, economy, and pipelines. What could he do differently? #cdnpoli
1) Rhetoric - treating climate change as some Euro-socialist conspiracy as oil producers, banks, and institutional investors have pulled financing has been detrimental to how serious people view Alberta and our climate performance.
2) Climate Leadership - removing the consumer carbon tax (which was replaced with an enhanced industrial emitters tax AND a federal consumer carbon tax) - sent a signal that Alberta didn't care about climate. Suspending Energy Efficiency Alberta further damaged our reputation.
3) Scapegoating & Personal Attacks - on vaccines, on pandemic controls, on economic development - Kenney has been vicious with his use of ad-hominem attacks - accusing Trudeau of hating Alberta, Gov. Whitmer of being braindead, insinuating Dr Tam is loyal to China.
4) All in on O&G - not being able to walk and chew gum - investor tax credits in film, arts, tech, innovation were either scaled back or killed to funnel funds into O&G. When market, geopolitical, and pandemic forces cut demand, Alberta was left with no plan B.
5) War on Post Secondary & Public Health - modern corporations recognize their talent wants to enjoy good quality of life. They need well trained labour/talent pools. While #abpse is expensive, cutting from it makes us less competitive, not more.
6) Environmental Responsibility - suspending environmental regulations/ reporting during Covid19, Sonya Savage stating public health measures were effective at silencing pipeline protest, and elimination of the Coal Policy 1976 make us look backwards, and threaten water supply.
7) Hiring sycophants and donors instead of PR professionals - the war room has been a calamity of errors from day one. Plagiarized logos, torqued statistics, and juvenile social media conduct caused everyone to tune out. Messaging has only been resonant with AB energy supporters.
7b) having professional communicators that understand what plays well in Toronto, New York, Washington, Vancouver and Europe and then allowing them to build consensus and approval might have changed KXL. But it's definitely how Notley got Trudeau and BC to buy into TMX.
If Kenney hopes to hold government and if Alberta is to try and get back on track - these need to be remedied.
1) Apologize for the tantrums and obtuse personal attacks and pledge to work collaboratively on mutual priorities
2) Acknowledge investors & the rest of the world value environmental performance and have rejected Levant's ethical oil argument.
3) Engage in meaningful public and industry consultation on diversifying Alberta's energy portfolio AND other opportunities -like AI/machine learning
4) Fire the war room and disclose their financials.
5) Hire professionals with experience in PR and GR - who have never held elected office for the CPC/UCP.
6) Reinstate/enhance the Climate Leadership Plan - return all money generated to Albertans w cuts to income/small biz tax
7) Reinstate the Coal Policy and permanently protect the headwaters of the North Saskatchewan, Castle/Old Man, and South Saskatchewan rivers that 90% of Alberta's drinking water come from.
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