"Communist Blogger" is my favorite Neutral Milk Hotel song https://twitter.com/mtgreenee/status/1352340910483386369
Anyway, here are some of the "communist" blog posts about the Qongresswoman from Georgia (thread)
She once recorded herself going on a deranged rant arguing that Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are illegitimate members of congress because they didn't take their oaths on the Bible (you do not need to take your oath on the Bible, but MTG is a goddamn moron) https://www.mediamatters.org/congress/marjorie-taylor-greene-visited-capitol-and-tried-get-reps-ilhan-omar-and-rashida-tlaib
And then some stuff that other places reported:
The Qongresswoman is Qrazy, but not Qommunist, I guess
If you find this kind of reporting helpful, follow @ehananoki (who has done so much of this amazing reporting) and @AlKapDC (who has done a great job covering the rise of QAnon movement), as well as the rest of us communist bloggers over at @mmfa
At any point, @RepMTG could clarify whether or not she thinks Parkland was a false flag, if 9/11 was an inside job, if she believes a plane hit the Pentagon, if she actually thinks Obama hired MS-13 to murder a DNC staffer, if she really thinks Clinton murders her enemies...
But she chooses not to. Hard to call videos that you filmed yourself "fake news," but you do you, Qongresswoman.
You can follow @ParkerMolloy.
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