reminder that "trans women are women" is short for "there is no biological definition of 'woman' that includes all cis women and excludes all trans women, and any attempt to force one to exist will hurt all trans women and many cis women, so inclusive definitions are best"
it is impossible to exclude from anything ONLY trans women and NO cis women unless you differentiate based on birth assignment, which is not biological
also reminder that words are made up by humans, we choose what they mean and what they don't mean
also a reminder that the reactionary tendency to describe trans people's reevaluation of conventional word definitions in light of their obvious contradictions as "orwellian" is a blatant refusal to engage with anything trans people are actually saying
the people using *that* hashtag


they want never to be reminded that we exist, ever again
WOW this thread took off! i'm really glad to see it resonated with people :)

if you disagree with me, that's cool! i love engaging in constructive dialogue with people with different perspectives, and my DM's are open if you'd like to discuss this further.
i've been trying (with mixed results) to avoid publicly debating trans issues, because there are a lot of people who @ trans people with deliberately inflammatory remarks so they can get us angry and then screencap our angry replies. hence, my DM's.
also, if you'd like to learn more, several of the threads in my pinned tweet discuss trans issues in depth. you can also check out what medical organizations like the APA have to say about trans people on their website and others.

thanks for reading!
also, i created this image that i will be using as a stock reply to people in my mentions who want to argue about transness. feel free to steal it
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