Yes! It will be a hard nut to crack to foster the sort of character- and story-focused gaming to an organized play format, but CR has some wise, insightful folks, so if anyone can, I’d put money on them.
Spitballing here...what would be key components of such an organized play program, differentiating it from other existing programs like Adventurer’s League? @alphastream
1. It would by design only focus on low level play
2. It would focus on scenarios that would foster character development and interaction
3. It would include really awesome, evocative art assets (visual and, in an ideal world, sound)
4. It would somehow provide hooks or opportunities or tools to help players transition from the organized play setting with random players into a more long-term gaming group, which (I think) is necessary for the deep story and character-based arcs favored by critters.
And that’s all I’ve got right now. Interested in others’ opinions.
A couple more: 5. Provide a toolkit of improvisational exercises and guidance on creating PCs that encourage rich interaction and preserve room for unanticipated growth.
6. Provide tools for helping players to find good matches for longer-term consistent gaming groups.
How do you pay for all this or generate a modest income stream? Partner with WotC (because it should drive WotC sales) and tiered subscription content with respect to ongoing toolkits and adventure content for higher levels of play.
OUTSTANDING thread on both villains (GMs take note!) and on letting a villain help your PC develop complexity (players take note!).
I love good poems and ink drawings. And Ursula K. Le Guin. :)
Looks cool! It’s good to see the Star Wars storyverse continuing to expand.
The best #ttrpg games include scenarios that force players to make difficult decisions that impact both the emerging story and character development.
What twisted logic drives them to repeal a mask mandate in the midst of a pandemic that has increasingly virulent and deadly strains starting to circulate in the US?
Play your #ttrpg with the mindset of a #gm — always be thinking about how you can set up interesting situations that encourage fun interaction around the table and propel story and character development forward.
Fantastic thread about exploring #ttrpg games beyond #dnd.
You can follow @GMScott2.
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