I was legitimately surprised during the primaries how little it seemed to matter that Biden said things that were completely untrue. We're supposedly in the age of fact-checking, when the truth matters more than ever. But Trump's lying was so brazen a lot was obscured. https://twitter.com/davidsirota/status/1352335710498430979
At a February rally in South Carolina, for example, Biden said this. Absolutely nothing about this story was true. He just made it up. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/mar/04/joe-biden/joe-bidens-pants-fire-claim-about-his-arrest-south/
Biden would also tell stories he'd told before, while visibly altering the details. This was one example. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/henrygomez/joe-biden-gay-marriage-equality
In a March townhall, Biden said "When I left the United States Senate I became a professor at the University of Pennsylvania … and the University of Delaware has the Biden school as well, so I’ve spent a lot of time … on campus with college students.” He'd said as much before.
I looked into this a bit and it turned out to be pretty dodgy to say the least.
It didn't dog him at all, but this Biden fib was subject to a pretty ruthless deconstruction by the fact checkers at the Washington Post.
I realize it's uncomfortable for some people, but I don't know how you can lament the demise of truth and the death of facts while simultaneously arguing that stuff like this simply doesn't matter
There's also a wider context here. Biden's 1988 presidential run quite literally ended because he plagiarized a speech and claimed he had "come out of the civil rights movement", something he was forced to admit wasn't even remotely true.
Biden quite literally revived the second lie during the primaries and, once again, basically no one seemed to care. August, 2019: "A lot of folks like me come out of the civil rights movement." In 1988 this claim helped end Biden's campaign.
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