A thread. Some interesting comments to come from our short committee @SeneddCWLC inquiry on sport. Issues raised that we will of course inform Welsh Govt of. Brian Davies of Sport Wales told us covid has sadly been 'paralysing for sport'.
Those already active have continued to do exercise but worrying trend of widenng existing gaps in BME groups, lower socio economic groups. Getting people back in to sport has to be prioritised so that it becomes a habit again to go to play football or netball.
FAW and WRU wanting a clear roadmap to return spectators to the sport. They don't want to be left behind if England progress with this. Important Welsh Govt works with them to have some sort of plan moving forward.
Interesting evidence regarding those who have switched on to zoom online lessons. It seems interest is waning in this area ans people want to return to attending classes. Numbers imposed on classes are arbitrary and need for more consultation with sector.
Women seem to be hit by this hard, not being able to exercise as much due to childcare and home schooling responsibilities. Calls from those giving evidence for us to be able to meet with one other person outdoors as in England.
It seemed from our session that it was easier for football to return without a vaccine than rugby. WRU referenced the scrum situation. Can't have 4 players who have had vaccine and 4 who haven't in that type of situation. Needs careful planning.
Ultimately message was that sport reflects the feelings and emotions of a Nation and its vital we try and get people back to playing and watching sport for us to feel as if we can move on from this awful situation we find ourselves in with the pandemic. Will it ever be the same?
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