I’ve had a lot of people ask me lately about how I got into sex work, how I started a dungeon, etc.

I’ll blog about this soon but the simplest answer is that I had to make it happen for myself every step of the way. It was v expensive.

Also: now is a terrible time to enter SW.
I don’t say this to be a gatekeeper. I say this because our livelihoods are under attack right now under the guise of “human trafficking.”

Most of us have seen a hit in business thanks to Covid. PornHub can’t even process credit card payments now. This is stressful as fuck.
The sex industry has a huge turnover rate because it’s HARD WORK. Most people with an OnlyFans only make $100-300 a month.

Some people get lucky right away, but those are rare— if their success is real at all (there’s a LOT of smoke and mirrors in this industry).
I think it’s easy to see a SWers selfie and think “wow what a life!”

But we’re in a pandemic. An already hard job has been so much harder for most of us for almost a year.

And with all of this anti-“trafficking” legislation, our jobs are about to become a hell of a lot harder.
And sure, it’s 2021, but there’s still a hell of a lot of stigma surrounding our jobs.

People still get fired from their vanilla jobs, even years after they’ve left the industry.

Mothers still lose custody of their children.

Sex work offers us no legal protections at all.
So if you want to do it, then by all means, fucking do it! If you feel compelled to do it then by all means, go for it! Make that money!

There are so many wonderful things I can say about sex work.

...But I’m not about to glamorize it.
Also, for those who are curious: I couldn’t find anyone locally who would rent their dungeon to me, so I maxed out 4 lines of credit & borrowed $10k from my ex to open my own.

It took me 2 years of working my ass off to climb out of that hole. Then Covid hit like 6 months later.
Things may be different for you, though!

The first 3-4 yrs I spent in SW, I treated it like a part-time gig. After that, I spent 2 yrs in grad school, so I couldn’t make my SW 100% of my focus.

I’m also heavily tattooed. That’s a turn-on for some but a turn-off for more.
I’ll wrap it up for now after this final point:

No matter how good & fun things may get, SWers are always subconsciously asking ourselves, “What next?”

Because we know they’re coming for us. Lawmakers, banks, &tech companies want us gone. Period.

Can you handle that stress?
You can follow @MsPetraHunter.
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