There is only one teacher that can count:

🏀 Steph Curry
📦 Jeff Bezos
🔍 Sergey Brin
🎶 Taylor Swift
đź’Ľ Puff Daddy
🪄 David Blaine

as one of HER students.

A thread on the most influential teacher and childhood education method of the last 100 years. 👇🧵👇
Born in 1870, Maria Montessori came to life in an age where women “belonged” to their fathers, husbands, brothers, and uncles.

Women couldn’t have their own bank accounts, own property, or vote.

That didn’t stop her.
After studying engineering as an adolescent, Maria Montessori went on to become one of the first women to attend medical school in Italy.

But only after she got an endorsement to do so from Pope Leo XIII.
After graduating with a MD from the University of Rome in 1896, Montessori was assigned to a post in a psychiatric hospital.

It was there that she started working with and researching so-called "backward" children—children experiencing some form of cognitive delay or disability.
In 1907, Montessori got the opportunity to open a childcare center in a poor inner city district of Rome for under served kids aged between 3 and 7.

There she began to put into practice her methods.

“The Montessori Method”.
This center, the only one of its kind in the world, became the first Montessori school.

Known simply then as the Casa dei Bambini.

The Children’s House.
Montessori designed learning materials & created a classroom environment that fostered children’s natural desire to learn.

The Montessori method stressed the development of a child's own initiative and natural abilities through practical play.

Independence was also a mainstay.
What else set Montessori’s method apart:

Multi-age classroom to foster peer-to-peer learning.

Individualized learning goals, allowing students to move at their own pace.

Teachers moving from group to group instead of standing at the front.

A nontraditional grading system.
Montessori’s methods quickly began to attract the attention of educators worldwide.

By 1910, Montessori schools could be found throughout Western Europe.

By 1911 the first Montessori school opened in the US.

By 1915, there were Montessori schools on 5 continents.
While Montessori cont'd to gain prominence globally, the 1920s saw her work lapse in the US due to anti-immigrant sentiment, WWI, and the disdain of a few influential educators.

That changed in the 1950s when a US educator named Nancy Rambusch championed her methods once again.
Montessori's later years saw her leading peace conferences in Europe, alongside her teaching courses.

She published Educazione e Pace (Education and Peace) in 1949 and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 3 times.

She passed away gracefully at the age of 81 in Holland.
Fast forward.

Today you can find 20K+ Montessori schools globally; 5K of those in the US.

These school’s educate over 1M children from infancy through adolescence, and leave a legacy of "Montessorians" who view learning as a lifelong process, not a burden that ends with school.
If you want to learn more about @MariaMontessori and her heroic achievements you can find out more here: 

Or simply turn on a @warriors game, open a package from @amazon, or search for her on @google.
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