Intensely in-depth article @moisesvm!
"Many people - long-haulers, those with ME/CFS, scientists & doctors - worry about the long-term consequences of tens of millions of people infected with a virus that, it seems, can inflict lasting damage on the body."
"For many doctors, the strange symptomology of long Covid calls to mind another mysterious, poorly understood condition: myalgic encephalomyelitis, more familiarly known as chronic fatigue syndrome." "ME/CFS-like syndromes have been linked with infections for more than a century"
"...several ME/CFS experts told me that they anticipate a wave of new patients — long-haulers who, because their symptoms are severe enough and last for 6 months or longer, will essentially be ME/CFS patients whether they receive the diagnosis or not."
"Some experts think recent advances in the study of ME/CFS, inconsistent and inconclusive though our understanding of it remains, may provide insight into what ails long-haulers and how to treat them..." (cont) #pwME #LongCovid #longHaulers #MEcfs
"...In the process, that research might also shed light on an enduring medical conundrum: Why do certain infections, even as they resolve in most cases, become a protracted, debilitating ordeal for a small group of unlucky patients?"
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