THREAD: Investing in the health & wellbeing of ppl w/HIV must be central to every effort to end the HIV epidemic. By increasing access & decreasing barriers to treatment, care, & diagnostics, we can provide ppl w/HIV the resources to reach an undetectable viral load #UequalsU 1/
When a person with HIV has an undetectable viral load (<200 copies/mL), it is IMPOSSIBLE to transmit HIV through sex. Undetectable = Untransmittable. This prevents transmission which, as Dr. Fauci says, is the foundation of being able to end the epidemic. #UequalsU 2/
Research shows that knowledge of #UequalsU fights internal and societal stigma, improves overall health outcomes, and makes it more likely people will get tested. Healthcare providers have a responsibility to tell their patients. 3/
People with HIV have a right to live full, healthy lives free of stigma and the fear of passing on HIV. #UequalsU is a human rights movement to ensure the access to information, treatment, and care exists to support this vision. We have the tools to end the epidemic! /end
Thank you to @aidsmap for creating this excellent graphic!
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