/dsmp /roleplay


(buckle in folks, this'll be a long one)
ok so after the disc war finale (which was AMAZING) ive spent ,, quite a bit of time deliberating on smp!dream (yes, ik, big surprise.) pretty much everything happened according to my expectations, which was?? kinda unexpected, but Super fricking cool!!
but there are a couple like,, loose ends etc that I *think* we can figure out based on smp!dream's ramblings from yesterday's stream
(note: as usual, this is going to be a little speculative, and a little jumbled. dream come o n cant u make ur character a LITTLE easier to analyze)
so just a brief summary of yesterday:

smp!dream, after taking tubbo and tommy down into his creepy vault thing, explains a couple things abt his character
his vault has a hallway full of item frames and spaces for every item and pet on the server that people are sentimentally attached to (and skeppy lol). he explains that once he has every item that everyone is attached to, then he'll have control over everyone
he says that he cut off everything that he's attached to, friends, items, and pets, so that none of them can be used against him. he claims that "i had to lose everything, to gain everything"

(when tommy asked him like, "doesnt that hurt?", notably he doesnt respond)
he says he needs to keep tommy alive because tommy brings sentiment to the server.

"if i can control the things that people are attached to, then i can control the server again!"
and of course, our favorite line:

"everything i do is deliberate"
he says he's going to kill tubbo, and tells tommy to say goodbye. he calls it tommy's "origin story" and claims that he's going to throw tommy into the prison
shortly afterwards, punz comes through with the entire server through the nether portal - they save tommy and tubbo, dream gets killed by tommy twice, and then dream reveals he can bring people back to life through schlatt's book, so they throw him into the prison
tha's abt it - smp!dream is defeated, everyone gets their happy ending (well, kind of.)

but of course, tubbo says something along the lines of "this almost feels too perfect" which i mean, accurate - and it's left some people wondering
the first thing I want to establish is that smp!dream is. VERY unreliable, as a narrator. we don't get his unfiltered thoughts, and he acts ,, very different, when he talks to different people. with tommy and tubbo especially, he doesnt tell the truth.
smp!dream LIES. and i think that's an important thing to keep in mind. he says what he needs to say so that people will think of him in a specific way. tho dream's combat skills in mc are really good,, SMP!DREAM's forte is really in the realm of emotional warfare
i wouldnt call him a puppetmaster, necessarily, tho he's steadily become more and more like one - but rather, he sees every interaction as a chess match. he doesnt have full control over everyone, but he CAN analyze them pretty well and know what they want - and then use that
so going into his motivation, what he says he wants is for tommy to continue bringing attachment into the server. he can then take that attachment, exploit it, and then use it against people to keep them in line.
on another occasion, however, he tells punz that all he wants is for the server to become "one big happy family"

so what's his real motivation?
honestly? both - theyre kinda the same thing. the first one is just smp!dream presenting it in as harshly and terribly as possible, which is something he does to smp!tommy quite often (think when he replied 'it's fun' that one time)
he also tells tommy he wants the server back to what it used to be - refusing to elaborate on that fact - and calls it DreamSMP - which again, is a callback to when the entire smp was just DreamSMP - not the country, but just the server as a whole
when smp!dream talks to smp!tommy, even if he's not necessarily lying, he tends to present his ideas in their ugliest, most terrible form. this is smp!dream in "full villain" mode - he intends on making himself sound and act like a Terrible Person (tm)
this is ,, honestly, imo, intentional. he tells tommy the familiar line "you want to be a hero" - he knows that in tommy's story, he's the Big Bad. in a way, he embraces it. he threatens tubbo's life, saying that it'll be tommy's "hero origin story", like batman or spiderman
when smp!techno and smp!tommy talk to each other, techno's pretty intent on making tommy see him as something Other than a villain or a weapon. smp!dream, on the other hand, makes himself sound Worse - tries to make himself even more of a villain to tommy than he originally was
with smp!punz tho, before the whole betrayal thing ,, im inclined to believe that he was being honest there, too. there was no real point in being dishonest - punz only cares abt the money, after all. this is his goal in the nicest form - one big happy family
smp!dream, in the beginning of the server, was a mediator. he tended to settle fights, get in the middle of conflicts to calm both sides down. as the server has progressed, however, he's become less of a mediator and more of an instigator
however much his actions have twisted, however, that original goal of "uniting the server, making it one again" applies, whether ur looking through tommy's pov or punz's. theyre just one goal - the goal of reuniting Everyone.
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