Just watched a brilliant documentary, You've Been Trumped Too ( @TrumpedMovie) by filmmaker & journalist @antbaxter & I'm in tears. I know there was nothing we could have done to stop him being elected the 1st time, but so grateful he's gone now. This documentary 1/
was so moving and simultaneously infuriating. I understand now, for the first time why the people of #Scotland detest him so. It was so much bigger than the golf course in Aberdeen. It was his disgusting indifference of human life. What really blew me away was how 2/
Trump mocked the way of these Scottish farmers and landowners lived: broken and rusted equipment in their yards and barns. Dilapidated conditions. He called them "disgusting" and "embarrassments". Yet, so many of his #MAGA followers live in the exact same conditions. This 3/
leads me to recognize how ironic January 6ths insurrection actually was. These people who came from all over the country to destroy our nation's Capitol building at his behest? These are people he would never break bread with. They'd never be welcomed in his home, or around 4/
his family. These are people who he would never consider befriending or even having a cup of coffee with. Yet they dance for him as he throws meager coins in their direction bc he gets them to believe he came from nothing to become something. This is where it gets 5/
personal for me. I grew up 30 minutes from the Trump family in Queens, NY. My grandfather was a real estate tycoon with Horizon Realty, a company he began in the 40's. He worked with, not for, Fred Trump. He and my grandparents, along with his wife, dined together. They went 6/
for lavish meals together. My Grandfather's family were from Scotland and he and Mary Trump (Donald's mother) would talk about their homeland. My grandfather and Fred worked on tons of real estate deals together in Queens. They were both very wealthy men. However, things 7/
quickly changed when Fred discovered my grandfather was a Jew. Like many Jewish business owners working in a post WW2 America, my grandfather had legally changed his name to something "less Jewish". Jewish businesses were often not patronized bc of the war. They were described 8/
as "filthy" and "embarrassments". After a large disagreement between my grandfather and Trump's father, on how mass evictions of blacks & Jews in a Queens tenement were going to be handled, my grandfather told Fred Trump that we were a Jewish family & that he would no longer 9/
work with him. My grandfather distanced himself from Fred Trump, but not without severe consequences to my grandfather and his real estate business. Hearing the way Donald Trump spoke to and about these quiet living, humble folk in Scotland reminded me of this long legacy 10/
of hate stemming from the Trump family, way before Donny was a gleam in his daddy's eye. I think if MAGA supporters watched this documentary with an open mind, they'd empathize with the family of Molly Forbes and her family. What he did to this widow was not far off from 11/
the promises he made to the people of Flint, Michigan. It's not so far off from all the broken promises he made to our American farm workers. Donald Trump grew up as a pampered princess in one of the most affluent areas of Queens, NY with a silver spoon in his mouth from 12/
day one. He would never break bread with the average American. I wrote a similar post to this back when I read Too Much and Never Enough by @MaryLTrump months ago. I was so angry then. I'm not angry now. I'm heartbroken for the ppl in this country who still believe he is the 13/
Messiah. The second coming. I think if they watched this documentary and allow themselves to recognize the similarities between the Forbes family way of life and their own, they'd feel duped as well. We're way past that point. The Trump seed has been planted too deeply into 14/
the minds of far too many Americans who choose to believe every word he says is the gospel truth. There will be more "Trumps" in the future of this country. They will try to keep the legacy of lies alive. We can't rest. We can't say "Whew, thank God that's over" because it's 15/
not over. It will never be over if we look away, take an eye off the proverbial ball. In the past 4 years, many of us were forced to do, see and hear things we never thought we would. We are traumatized. Broken. But we must never, ever look away again.

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