297 people have died on this island this week of Covid-19. It's only thursday. That means on this island one of our brothers, sisters, parents, friends is dying every 20 minutes. It is time for a cross-border, apolitical, cross-community civic movement to stop this carnage. It is
clear that neither set of politicians in power on either side of the border has the guts or vision to act so we are going to need to absolutely harangue them. Calling on trades unions, religious bodies, sporting and cultural bodies, educational institutions, and just people of
goodwill in general to scream as loud as we can at them to stop this senseless loss of life NOW. Mandatory quarantine across the island, keep the virus out, vaccinate and protect our lives and livelihoods. We cannot rely on our ruling class to do this. Would ask all health unions
in particular @IMO_IRL @BMA_NI @RCN_NI @INMO_IRL @IHCA_IE @siptuhealth @forsa_union_ie to speak out with one clear voice to save your members and their patients. #ZeroCovidislandnow
We can all go back to the old rows in 12 months time. But right now YOU HAVE TO ACT! How will history judge you? @DUPleader @MichealMartinTD @LeoVaradkar @moneillsf
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