The thing that Rory Jennings doesn’t understand or realise is that most elite managers, technical directors and club management think fans are thick as pig s**t. They put on an act about how they care but they know that the average supporter is a beer guzzling fool.
They know processes and the business of football. If they started running their clubs in the way that guys like Rory Jennings see fit they’d all be out of business. Everything else is lip service so that you can keep paying gate money / TV subscriptions and buy merch.
That’s the reality. I’ve seen professional sport from very close quarters in my line of work. If you don’t like it, too bad. But if you think singing “super frank” for 90 minutes will make any difference to the Chelsea hierarchy you are deluded.
For eg: how did chanting for Jose in 15-16 work out for match going supporters? Called Hazard/Oscar/Cesc rats and chanted for Jose. Jose still got the sack and a year later the supporters went on to cheer Hazard and call Jose judas.

The Board knows that fans are fickle idiots.
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