I am going to be brutally honest here and I hope I don't ruin anyone's dream but I must say it. I want to be realistic here. I've seen many a family on social media recently planning to move from Southern England to the Highlands in search of their 'perfect rural croft life'.
I am not a crofter. Not at all. I do however come from a long line of crofters and let me tell you, it is hard. It is physically exhausting work and it does not pay well. Rural life is hard. The weather here is difficult if you aren't used to it. Winter can be very depressing.
I have recently seen a few families starting up instagram accounts in the search of their 'Highland dream home' after a few 'research trips' to Scotland. (first ever visits to Scotland) They've stated they want their kids to grow up 'with animal friends' and to run a croft.
If you are serious about crofting, I'm afraid your children will be shocked when their 'friends' are sent away to slaughter.. It is the circle of life sadly and all kids will come to understand it but if that is one of your reasons for crofting... Maybe a pet is a better option?
Crofting families in the Highlands, especially west coast have struggled for centuries. It is very hard work here. The soil isn't as good. The elements are against you. If you are really considering this as a full time career, you must have years of knowledge behind you.
I sound like a proper negative Nancy but I am really concerned that people have no idea what they are getting themselves into. They see the romantic image of a Highland croft and fancy a bit of it because they have money behind them.
Please, PLEASE do your research. Crofting is so much more than a wee side job. It isn't easy and I fear for the people that think it is. Community is so important in that line of work. Get to know your community, do your research and consider whether this is the route for you.
Don't ever think that Highland life is the 'slow, easy way out'. It is so much harder than life in any Suburb could ever be. It is beautiful but that comes from the hard work and resilience of these small rural communities.
Agus sin agad e. Sin an rant. Duilich.. Feumaidh mi deoch às deidh sin.
For someone who isn't a crofter, I SURE DO LOVE TO TALK ABOUT CROFTS. There are people who know a lot more than I do. A helluva lot more. This is just an opinion of mine from living on farms and being from a crofting family.
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