It’s not an accident that the very first Biden act in office to generate a right wing hashtag concern troll hate mob was over trans issues. Time and again we see how conservatives specifically target trans people (and most often trans women in particular) for fear-mongering.
The right singles out trans people because they feel they’re the strongest wedge to use to drive into a broad center left coalition, much like marriage equality was (successfully) for Bush in 04. They know the formula is to single out the most vulnerable community they can.
When Obergefell was decided and the right finally admitted defeat on gay marriage they pivoted to laser-focusing on targeting trans people, particularly trans children, with bathroom bills etc. They had lawsuits and proposals all cued up and ready to go.
It’s so foul bc it’s so obviously a case of “well we can’t go after this one group of godless degenerates anymore without making everyone hate us, but these other heathens no one cares about so throw everything we have at them”. I hate them so much.
If you ever find yourself as a left/liberal person just “asking questions” about the validity of trans people’s full access to medical care (including hormones and puberty blockers) or other rights then just know you’re being manipulated by the exact ppl you say you hate.
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