Welp, interested and yet not surprised to be quoted in this article as essentially the sole advocate for the study of persistent infectious contributions to #MECFS and potentially #LongCovid. @moisesvm I appreciate you listening to me on the topic. https://twitter.com/moisesvm/status/1352274255858208769
2/ The article reads: Maybe the simplest explanation for why some long-haulers aren’t recovering is that, even if they test negative, they may in fact still harbor a Covid #infection somewhere in their body.
3/ Amy Proal, a #microbiologist with the PolyBio Research Foundation, which focuses on chronic inflammatory diseases, thinks that if people feel sick after an infection, that may be because they in fact are still fighting a hidden infection.
4/ “An incredibly logical explanation is that the driving factor is still there,” she says.
5/ The idea of a persistent Covid infection remains unproved, although several studies hint at the possibility. But if this turns out to be the case for some patients...
6/ ...it will be important to separate them from those who might have an autoimmune or inflammatory condition, Proal points out…
7/…because treating one could aggravate the other. Using immune suppressants to treat an #autoimmune condition, for example, could very well make a lingering infection worse.
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