If I didn't have a safety net in the form of my family, I doubt I would have been able to afford to be a reporter. https://twitter.com/fahima_haque/status/1352292651572277248
I lived with incredibly generous relatives outside of DC for the summers I had the unpaid internships at NBC — and my work/supervisors' endorsements landed me a job there after college. I wouldn't have been able to move to NYC to work at BF in 2013 w/o $$$ help from parents.
Notre Dame's career center had a number of scholarships or grants you could apply for to cover summer internship housing costs.

If you want to be a reporter (or want to work in industries that don't pay their interns) ASK YOUR CAREER CENTER ABOUT THIS and look online.
I've worked in news for 10 years. I am secure in the knowledge that I am a good reporter, that my work is unique + important, that I was meant to be a journalist.

Would I be here if I hadn't gone to ND? Interned and worked at NBC? Had parent help to move to NYC? I don't know.
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