This is not a thread about vaccine plans or (primarily) the Biden or Trump administrations, by the way. You can decide if it's about me or about epistemology and consuming media about politics...

But even honest people in politics spin hard when they can, and right now, they can
Not to say these factors would be nearly as much of a problem w/the Biden admin as the "Obama had the economy in the toilet, greeters at the border welcoming illegals by the million, and the army had no bullets" Trump admin, but we're primed to believe any level of incompetence
...and the Biden admin has every reason to play into that, to anchor previous performance as bad as possible so that everything that happens after now is relative success.
reality could be:
* literally nothing was done, anywhere
* conscious decision to let mfgs & states handle logistics
* plan is in wrong office; office that Should have a plan doesn't
* plan exists but doesn't "read" right--not in govt style
* OK plan, not good enough
* good plan.
...and the story could be largely the same, depending how much advantage the sources wanted to take of the leeway they have. Call this dishonesty, sure, but keep it in perspective.
But the fact is the story is overdetermined. A version would exist regardless of reality so its existence only adds marginal info. Based on the things we've objectively seen, I tend to believe it's close enough to true.
just saying: bear in mind what the story actually adds. /x
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