A reason many of us take sides with political parties is that we define our identities based on favored parties and institutions

(so all politics is identity politics)

We also believe that politics is a game. Hence the mindset is us vs them

But there is a better way
We can begin to define your identity as being individuals who support the greater good for the greatest amount of people (of course with equity considerations)

If you begin to think this way, then it is not the party that matters but the policy and the population outcomes
It is at a low rung of social evolution that identity is tied to person or things.

Consider that lizards will always chase other lizards off their territories.

They have NO ability to consider shared interests or alliances with other lizards

But we are not lower animals
To stick to a name, to prioritize labels - Christian, conservative, trumper - situates you at the lowest rung of consciousness

Perhaps those who stick unchangingly to ideologies are really the reptile shape shifters conspiracy theorists warn us about

We must rise above this
Begin to cultivate a sense of maturity

Find out what is right, what is the greater good, what does this matter mean and what does that matter imply?

There is no way people who ask these questions fail to see the reason to seek the greater good

It is very easy to ‘pick a side’
Consider that almost no Nigerian supports an EPL team that is consistently 12-15th position on the league table

We began to see Leicester fans only when that team showed a superb season performance

It is “easy” to pick a side because all you have to do is side with power
Consider also that there are no Nigerian Green Party supporters. If the real consideration was the entirety of American politics, we would know the green tea contenders as well

Again, people side with power

And this is easy to do. Toddlers and the traumatized do it very easily
Are you a child, do you suffer from the trauma of Stockholm syndrome? Are you a victim of torture and slavery?

If no, then life is not a game. Politics isn’t about merely ‘choosing a side’. You can do better

Life is about your fellow person. Look at him. Look around you
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