Islam and Marital Rape
In both Sahihs of Bukhari and Muslim, a hadeeth indicates that it is prohibited and curse worthy for a wife to refuse her husband once called upon to bed. 1/4
In some alternative narrations, the lord of the heavens matches the mood of the displeased husband. 2/4
While in the Quran (2:223), a speech addressing men informs them: "Your wives are a place of cultivation for you, so come to your place of cultivation however you wish..." 3/4
Returning to the authentic narrations attributed to Muhammad, if it means the food is burning in the kitchen your husband's sexual desires comes first. This doesn't exclude the husband's desires during menstruation. 4/4
Further readings on the Sunni Islamic Jurisprudence and the conceptualisation of marital rape.
In the spirit of Qur'an 2:223, Muhammad reinforces the man's right of enjoyment.
Check out the rest of the great thread series on Sexist Hadiths by the wonderful @bartleby1843
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