Today seems like a good day for no real reason *whistles* to point out that trans women are women, trans men are men, nonbinary and genderfluid identities are valid, your perception and definition of yourself can change over time, and let people live their lives for fucksake.
On a completely unrelated subtweet I swear*, I have never once seen a stranger's genitals in a girl's locker room, owing to this wonderful device I think some people have never heard of called a "curtain." Nor do I ever wish to see a stranger's genitals, really.

Okay, there were walls involved too, it wasn't only this magical "curtain" device, but, you know. Point being, locker rooms, bathrooms, and so on are by standard design not places to view other people's genitals.

I'm sure you can, and people have, but it's not the done thing.
To conclude: again, trans men and women are men and women, Certain People need to leave people the fuck alone, let them live their lives in peace, why are you so goddamn intrusive. Fuck off. Unwelcome. Begone.
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