Bernie Sanders calling himself a "Democratic Socialist" and convincing people that "Socialism" is equal to Scandinavia while Cuba is "an authoritarian dictatorship" was definitely bad no matter how hard you try to explain me that it wasn't.
Some of his supporters just go and say "well at least he made the word socialism be less demonized", I mean that's not bad, the problem is that now people think that being a center-right/centrist who advocates for Healthcare and bombs the Middle East is somehow socialism.
"Who is saying that bombing the Middle East and wanting Healthcare is socialism?!?!"

You all ask me that as if millions of USians aren't calling Bernie a "socialist". He supported Obama's drone bombings and kill list, as well as regime change in Syria.
Btw the fact that you call me a "purist" for huh opposing US imperialism just shows me how little you care for us who live outside of the imperial core.
Oh and nobody outside of US political discourse actually views Bernie or the Squad as "socialist" (unless they're far-right).

Stop being so US-centric.
It's amazing how gringos don't want us to comment on their politics as if they don't intervene in ours 24/7.
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