It feels like a light switch got flipped yesterday. A whole mess of policies, changed literally in an instant--& we all know the *same thing* will happen in 4 yrs, if a Republican is elected. None of this is right. This is NOT how America is supposed to work. /1 #InaugurationDay
First, govt processes are supposed to be slow. The slow speed of the legislature is admittedly frustrating sometimes, but slowing things down also allows more time for dialogue, thoughtfulness, &compromise. Essential to governance in large, diverse country. /2 #InaugurationDay
Second, whatever happened to separation of powers/checks &balances? #Constitution does NOT give #POTUS unilateral authority over who gets to use what bathroom. I doubt it even gives Congress that authority. Founders must be rolling in their graves. /3 #InaugurationDay #freedom
Third, given the tumult of the election year that we just experienced, it seems unwise to ram through so much stuff instantaneously. If we are seeking unity and healing, shouldn't we talk, listen, debate? /4 #InaugurationDay #freedom
I guess that's too much to hope for in this environment, but it seems worth noting that the manner in which we are blatantly ignoring separation of powers/checks & balances is undermining what we all say we want: unity. /5 #InaugurationDay #freedom
One last observation: I've been thinking recently about the contrast between executive orders (swift change) vs. legislative decisions (so slow) in the context of all the #COVID-related decisions we saw last year. /6 #Constitution #Freedom
Unfortunately, some legislators badly want to undo what their local executives have done, but the legislative process is necessarily slow, drawn out, complicated. Legislators have to work out compromises, etc. This would be fine, except that we reversed it. /7 #Constitution
The slow, drawn out, complicated process with need for compromise should have come BEFORE the #lockdowns. Instead, we need them to get out of lockdowns. We need them to restore #liberty. That's not right. /7
In short, we have ignored the Rule of Law repeatedly in this country for nearly a solid year. No wonder we are an angry, divided mess. I shudder to think what will happen if we don't restore the Rule of Law -- and quickly. /8 & End #America #Constitution
And just saw that my numbering went awry there at the end. Oops. Sorry. Insert standard request for a Twitter edit button. 😅 😂
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