Inauguration - [Thread]

I put together some facts to show you that this is all scripted, no need to worry.

Let's begin with JB traveling on a privately chartered plane. This is not part of any official or military rules.

[Fun fact: It was a 737-73Q]
Next we have some inconsistencies re: the weather in DC.

Only logical explanation is that the Inauguration was pre-recorded.
Biden was sworn in early, even MSM that this is a fact.

We have seen their Expert's saying all kinds of things, so let's see I really couldn't care less about the headline.
Now let's take a closer look at Jill's shoes.

Again, as this is from the same "Live-feed" only explanation is that this is pre-recorded.

You might ask yourself "Why?" if this is real.
Then we have the Military turning their backs on JB.

There is no way, this wasn't scripted. Military would be lined up for hours waiting to saltue their President.
And what about the wallpapers in the Oval Office? Must have been changed over night.

Another logical explanation might be, that this is a movie set, no?
Then there was a POW/MIA flag inside the Capitol and on top of the White House. Not sure what this means but it seems very strange.

Are they prisoners of war?
Last but not least we have Pelose being told not to say anything entering the Capitol. Interesting isn't it

"Don't say nothing."

"I won't."
And coincidentally we have the 10th Mountain Division around the Capitol!

RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.
Plus we have all the purple symbolism. Kamala, Hillary, Bill, they were all wearing purple. It's just a show. Relax.
We have been prepared for this.
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