#nofgm thread . What happens during wedding night. Well if thought been mutilated or giving birth was difficult thread to read .I am about to share horrible one. Trigger warning
So if we couldn't urinate or memstruate normal. Now imagine having sex. Sex for first time is painful for many . Now a girl who has undergone Deinfibulation which means, total removal of clitoris and both Labias them stitched up leaving tiny hole where she can barely urinate
Now imagine that hole having to have sex. Its cruel and in some cases they call back the cutter who mutilate you to open you up. Imagine the thought of your worst nightmare come ,seeing your cutter again. This could be not the last time you see her.
She could pop up again during your giving birth to open you more as you don't have labia to expand in order the baby to come out. Marriage is extremely celebrated in my culture. Its beautiful how they celebrate. No expense spared. You are given gold ,clothes
But what awaits is horror. The girls undergo horrific moment during the first 7 days . No one visits. They are left to get on with it. Girls are ripped by their husbands
He forces his way in
Its no fun for him too. If he doesn't open her up. He is considered weak man
The girls is ripped apart. The day of the marriage they come at the morning to check she was a virgin. Meaning she is lying in agony and blood all over the bed. People dancing around her bed. Celebrating while she feels death. My cousin told me all our aunties were happy.
She was hospitalised for ages. She Caught infections. The marriage is truly horrific.if you are lucky they take you to hospital after you are checked that you were sealed up. Even after hospital. You still in pain.
I cant imagine girls still to undergo sex while they hurting that bad. We were mutilated with no anaesthesia, then ripped apart again during marriage then, during birth. Its horrific if you don't have access to hospital. Maternsl death can occur
But for mutilated girls traums and trauma and more trauma. This is nightmare doesn't end the day that destroyed your world . It continues. Marriage is dread by the girls. Another massive party then cruelty awaits. 200 million women and girls worldwide have been subjected to
Female Genital Mutilation or Female Genital Cutting or Female Genital Cutting. However we addressed it .its its one of the worst forms of child abuse period. Every 11 seconds .a girl us mutated somewhere. 800 girls mutilated everyday.
I dedicated my life to share this cruelty and how it affects people.I didnt suffer like that Thank God. I came to my beloved UK and first thing I did was. Get help. I got opened up and its called Deinfibulation and its free on @NHS. I escaped cruelty but many cant remember that
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