For Europe watchers, this is a useful thread by @pmdfoster on the UK govt refusing to give the EU full diplomatic status in London. I would just add that this will hurt the UK in its relations with the Biden admin for one specific reason. 1/4
The Biden admin will be keen to develop better relations with the EU and UK in parallel and then see both strands blending together on matters of common interest. Some soon to be officials have called it a three legged stool-- it's effectively trilateralism: US, EU, UK. 2/4
It strikes me that this is a very good deal for the UK-- it gives it equal standing in the Atlantic alliance to the EU and US. I can imagine it will make EU member states uneasy but the US might press for it anyway. 3/4
What the UK is doing w/ this silly spat is to deny that the EU has standing & that it prefers to deal with the individual member states. It is undermining the case for trilateralism when it should probably be doing everything to promote it. Go figure. 4/4
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