January is awful and things are bad but it is easy to forget:
We have multiple incredibly effective vaccines being rolled out at incredible pace
Cases are falling
Deaths and hospitalisations will follow
Spring is coming

We’re getting there!
I think it fucking sucks when disastronauts talk like dooming and being miserable is “just telling it how it is and honesty” because if 10 years of studying climate-adjacent stuff has taught me anything is that hope is omni-important and you don’t achieve anything with defeatism
It’s an easy way to sound authoritative and wise “I am sorry mortals, you must accept your destiny” but imho it is a dead-end and lazy thinking and public engagement
If everyone gave into doomerism on climate it’d be a catastrophe. “Fuck it I might as well go on that holiday, buy the big car, eat meat every day”. Need folk to both understand seriousness of situation but also that things can and do get better. To do otherwise is cowardice
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