Soon-to-be Secretary @PeteButtigieg, talking about electric vehicles, wants America to continue to be a "leader" and sees that expanding EVs can "generate economic opportunity" for workers.
On the gas tax, it may need to be adjusted, tied to inflation, or more we may want to visit user-based fees, such as vehicle miles traveled, albeit, privacy concerns need to be appropriately considered.
Rural, rural, rural. Rural communities are often neglected. Rural communities have special needs. Rural communities need economic opportunity and competition. Numerous U.S. Senators and @PeteButtigieg agree, rural communities deserve more.
Texas @SenTedCruz starts off by congratulating @PeteButtigieg on his nomination, only to go on the offense for the cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline and lost jobs. Remember that @PHMSA_DOT is one of the operating agencies under @USDOT.
Soon-to-be Secretary @PeteButtigieg envisions being able to continue employing these workers by shifting them to cleaner, greener jobs that will fulfill commitments by @JoeBiden to protect the environment and tackle the climate crisis.
West Virginia @SenCapito is the first to mention hyperloop, which @PeteButtigieg sees as an "emerging technology" with enormous potential, possibly as an alternative to highspeed rail.
For soon-to-be Secretary @PeteButtigieg, testifying before the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, if not thrilling, was definitely a "unique" experience.
Now for the best part, HOMEWORK! I'm sure @PeteButtigieg loves a good essay question. U.S. Senators have until the end of the day to submit written questions with answers due by Tuesday, January 26. Just enough time to schedule a vote.😉
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