It seems like we have a new divide. And I understand why. I also understand that we cannot return to practices that lead to cyclical repeats of systemic injustice.
To that end we need a few friendly reminders:
1. Twitter is not lobbying or voter registration or the voting booth.
2. Money talks and bs walks.
3. Diversify your activism portfolio--collective legal action is important, local activism, commit to shaping your local politics your state legislatures, judicial appointments and executive branches.
4. Get people who are passionate but civically apathetic to get registered. We have too many people who can vote and do not.
5. Felons who have served their time and pay taxes should be voting. (Don't get in my going for what will get mass appeal.)
6. Organize and act.
7. Be the change you want means organize and create solutions that can be duplicated and modified and spread. Once positive progressive change occurs it's difficult to ignore it or diminish the power of its appeal.
8. Follow the people who were successful this past year&a half.
9. Listen to people who you at least half agree w/...stick to your values but use your head&challenge people to become more aware of how others live&why we need a change. Don't give up on one to one activism.
10. Don't compromise, communicate. No we don't want people in prison treated in inhumane ways in Alabama right now...higher education should not be a burden, Healthcare is a right, policing needs to be reformed until nobody ever faces what George or Breonna faced...and
We still have to work the system&work outside of it&be patient when necessary and plan b when patience isn't saving lives. We can have all 4 years then maybe even 12 or more but we have work to do&accountability is key. But so is clarity, respect, good citizenship&civic literacy.
I'm done for now. This is not the time to fracture and retreat. Nor is it the time to unify with those who have shown their ass or will never be allies logical, deliberate, tactical and efficient. Act. Fight. Be slick. Be decisive, be aware. Be wise.
You can follow @KosherSoul.
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