A famous Indian saying, "Don't put unto tomorrow what you can do today and don't put unto later today what you can do now."

Doing things right away is a very simple skill to master & yet a powerful predictor of success.

The moment is Now!

A simple thread tht can change ur life
Most people put things to later 'Procrastinate' and no one escapes it completely.

Procrastination wins because our brains are genetically wired for instant gratification and avoid uncomfortable encounters.
The 'Monkey Brain' runs wild if let free. However if tamed well, brain is also very elastic that can be moulded by your strong will and affirmations.

By training yourself to do things now, you can get a lot done without getting busy or stressed.
Get things done & move on

When you focus on doing things now, your brain gets less time to analyse, process, rationalise, etc. Your mental bandwidth frees up & you become more efficient

Basically not only do you free up more time for actions, you also become more #productive
When you do things right when the thought comes, you control ur emotions. You get no chance to dream your success or overthink a situation or avoid the unavoidable.

This is basically you stopping yourself from cheap imaginary pleasures & focus more on doing things that matter
When you do things now, you are not pushing yourself

You are simply challenging your neural pathways to align better and control when your brain releases dopamine - through imaginary successes or actual actions?

You still get all the #gratification but with added fulfilment
This is specially helpful in reducing anxiety

Anxiety is built up of unnecessary emotions and occurs in your mind when you overthink. By doing a lot of things now you avoid all the extra processing.

Make it a habit & you will free up your mental load & thus reduce anxiety
With reduced anxiety, habit of doing things now & increased fulfilment will lead to a happy state of mind that helps you focus better.

Indirectly it helps you do deep focussed work improving your efficiency even more.

It becomes a positive cycle of #selfimprovement & fulfilment
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