**Some job advice from a 35 year old who has been around the block. No I don't know everything. No, none of this is religion. What worked for me might not be right for you. Just some food for thought on career advancement in Toronto. (It might work in your city too)*** 1/
Early pay (right out of school and early 20's) doesnt mean jack shit. You likely arent saving money anyway. I spent every dime I made at The Underground & Earls for the first 5 years of my career. You're a kid, you dont need a rolex. so dont stress too much about $50k vs $60k 2/
Try to find the job that puts you at the table with the big dogs. Can you meet PM's or Hedge Fund managers, or PE guys? If so, do it. I know people who turned silly little manager research gigs into full on Directors at HF's in 3 years. 3/
How close are you to the big bucks? Just because youre making shitty money now, doesnt mean you are that far from a lot. Try to figure that out. Are you two steps from a 200% pay increase? thats pretty good. Are you 20 steps? not so good. 4/
I know people who make solid money now (nothing to brag about but they are comfy) who are 1-2 steps from making 7 figures. So try to put yourself in that situation. 5/
Dont focus on income now. Focus on the J-Curve. There are going to be morons you went to school with make more than you now. But they will never make more than they do now. Focus on being on the J-Curve path where your income at 45-65 is big dog money. 6/
Thats really all I have for now. Again, this isnt perfect and im sure some people will disagree. But hey, such is life. Also, dont buy an $8,000 watch with your first bonus. Trust me (i did it) and its FUCKIN DUMB! (Sold it back to the sop 4 weeks later) - End
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