Australian coal companies are investing heavily in Canadian coal.

Canadians are basically cold Aussies and Alberta is hurting for jobs, so why not sacrifice some mountains, rivers, wildlife and invite our cousins to come build coal mines??? Read on…
Grassy Mtn Coal Proj is 1 of many coal mines applying for approval since the gov rescinded the Coal Policy banning strip mining in the headwaters. So who owns Grassy Mtn? Benga Mines, a subsidiary of Riversdale Resources, controlled by Hancock Prospecting, owned by Gina Rinehart
Not so fast… Rinehart isn’t your typical caring Canadian cousin. She’s the opposite. “Australians need to work harder to compete with Africans who labour for less than $2/day” Rinehart said, proposing to lower taxes and regulations for corporations.
Along comes Robin Campbell, our ex-ENVIRONMENT Minister (!), turned Head of the Canadian Coal Association. Campbell spoke with foreign companies asking what needs to change and found that Lougheed’s Coal Policy, restricting open-pit mines in the Rockies, was a main deterrent.
Campbell began lobbying his friends in the Con Party, asking for removal of the coal policy. Soon after, the Gov’s views took an about face and our Ministers of Tourism & Environment both sent letters endorsing Aus’s plans for mines on our protected lands
Shortly after sending support, our gov quietly, rescinded the Coal Policy protecting our headwaters. With no consultation with residents, indigenous, ranchers, hikers, bikers, outdoorsman, industry or communities downstream! No-one but the Coal Association
Let’s keep Rinehart’s toxicity out of Canada. Email/phone your MLA. Personal letters are best and this link will find your MLA's contact.
please CC
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If you don’t have time to write a personal letter and want to send a pre-made form letter, you can do so here:

Tell the government to reinstate Conservative Premier Lougheed’s Coal Policy now!
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