United we Stand. Divided we Fall.

There is no truer truism than this.

The UK is not Kingdom, but a mercenary #PatronState deceitfully posing as a nation, in order to legitimise itself, its ruling elites & the power they wield & abuse.
Kingdom has the same root as kin. The English, Scots, Welsh & Irish are - or were - all kinship groups, on which the British state imposed a union in 1707. The people were not asked. This was government of, by & for the elites.
The Irish rebelled & eventually won their independence. So did the American colonists, who won their independence a lot sooner. But instead of becoming a genuine nation, as the founders had hoped it would, America became just a bigger, more powerful, clone of Great Britain.
Most Americans do like to hear this truth. The issue was settled by the Civil War, which was fought to preserve the Union & POWER of the federal state, thereby ensuring government of elite, by the elite, for the elite, which Lincoln (a lawyer) expressed in Orwellian newspeak.
The founding fathers knew it would be difficult enough forging a nation from different European peoples of the same race & impossible to include other races, which is why they restricted citizenship to Europeans, i.e. Whites.
However, the mercenary patron state America quickly became cared nothing for kinship, as reflected in its disregard for the massive loss of life during the civil war.

Britain & America are both Orwellian constructs, based on lies, deceit & regimes of rewards & intimidation.
This is not the "national narrative" that most British & American citizens want to hear, but it is the truth.

Why has it not been recognised by the academics we look to as authorities on understanding society & the state?
Academics a privileged clients & employees of the state. That's why.

However, without a realistic understanding of society & the state, there is no hope of us creating the kind of just, humane & sustainable societies on which the very survival of our civilisation depends.
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