🚨TODAY🚨The Senate Government Committee is hearing several anti-voter bills. Republicans, upset with how Arizona voted this past election, are now waging direct attacks on Arizona voters #AZLeg
#SB1069 is a continuation of Senator Ugenti-Rita's obsession with ending the Permanent Early Vote List, which
3.2 million Arizona voters have signed up for and used successfully since the Legislature passed it in 2007.
There are other bills that are more technical, but continue the lies that Arizona's election was fraudulent or not secure. #SB1083 increases the threshold that triggers an automatic recount for all races, including by repealing exemption for specified races...
#SB1010 allows for requested election recounts *without* providing funding to counties. This opens up our secure system to wealthy special interests who are the only ones who could afford to pay for recounts, and without any limitation on the number of recounts that can be made
There are still more election bills introduced this session that legitimize far-fetched conspiracy theories that contributed to the desecration of our nation's capitol and endangers the voting rights of every Arizonan who participated in this past election
By pushing these bills Senate Republicans cast doubt onto a free & fair election.More than 2 million eligible ballots were cast in Maricopa County and there's no evidence of fraud or misconduct. No matter how you voted, this election was administered w/ integrity & transparency
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