A fantastic article by @tinagroeger on why education expansion isn’t enough to drive economic equality & social mobility.

The connections she makes reflects something I’ve said about the connections of school privatization advocates: They aren’t just working to disempower https://twitter.com/bisforberkshire/status/1352248772013780995
families through highly discriminatory school “choice” programs that undermine public education. At the same time they’re also working to disempower workers by attacking labor unions, they’re working to disempower voters through voter suppression efforts.

The school
privatization community recognizes that social mobility is a threat to the established interests behind their movement. So to prevent social mobility they attack any concentrations of power among the rest of us. Whether it’s through a PTO or a school board, a union, or as an

They will fight equity programs like Medicare & Medicaid, cash assistance, & SNAP, Social Security, or even just anti-racism programs in schools.

The entire ethos of rugged individualism & liberty is a marketing tool to sell Americans on the value of being isolated.
Our isolation makes us easier to exploit.

That’s why fighting school privatization means more than fighting for public schools. It means fighting for equity programs, defending unions, protecting social safety nets, and universal enfranchisement. We are all stronger together
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