Today is the day. Last day @BritSciAssoc. Thank you @Kath_Math & team for letting me playing with your toys, and build new ones! Indulge me as I list some of my favourite memories, in no particular order…
1. Yes, technically I shared this yesterday but still… Developing & embedding a community engagement approach to our work that's people-centred, putting their needs and interests first – built through loads of community meetings! Showing up is important.
3. I’m a huge hip hop fan so OF COURSE I have to mention the time we partnered with @DJSemtex & @NationBillions to make a video about algorithms in music for @ScienceWeekUK 2017.
5. I’m not a runner. But there are a group of dedicated people that regularly do ( @maccalarena I see you!) So, we created the ‘Run’ series with the team @sixtostart. You can virtually #RuntheSolarSystem #RuntotheDeep or #RunwiththeAncestors on @ZombiesRunGame for free!
7. What can I say about the @BritishSciFest?! It’s been an absolute honour! I’ve had the privilege to interact with great folks in Bradford, Swansea, Brighton, Hull, Coventry and Chelmsford. Don’t ask me to pick a favourite! I have only amazing memories and here are some…
8. Award Lecture winners ASSEMBLE! I have been so inspired by all the brilliant early-career researchers we’ve worked with over the years. Too many to name but here are a few… oh and and massive thanks to @alanbarker830 too!
9. I’ve been lucky enough to travel loads and meet incredible people – and have always made sure there’s time for adventures on the way… ROADTRIPS!
10. My BRILLIANT Engagement Team colleagues, past & present! @CFuentesTibbitt @Farrah_Nazir, Sabah, @rosiewaldron, @HanaAyoob, @TreenaSib, @Katie_Leeper, Valia, Imo, @sciencesummedup, Natasha, Grace, @CelineGamble, @w00lm4n, Jess, @pipweaver, @hannahlaw94, @AlyssaChafee & Sam xxx
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