How to organize an open source project on Notion.

A thread with real-world examples 👇
1. Pillars

It's crucial to define the core principles of your project.

If you don't know what they are, you're basically shooting in the dark.
2. Team

Having a place to list all the core contributors is also a great idea. It's not only useful, but also a good way to connect people.
3. Onboarding

When you're adding new core members to your project, it's important to align expectations.

I usually put together a list for:

• First 7 days
• First 30 days
• First 90 days
4. Similar

There are always other people who are trying to solve a similar problem.

Keep an eye on them and see what they are up to.
5. Ideas

GitHub Issues is usually a place for short-term bugs/improvements.

Having a place to list your long-term ideas is vital.
6. Dependencies

Every project has a list of dependencies, but what's their purpose? Why you need them in the first place?

You might know the answer to these questions, but other people won't.
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