Troy makes some strong points, however, I still would adamantly oppose this. Why should we be scared of pursuing justice for a powerful plutocrat? Does the rule of law only count when the offender is poor, powerless, & not the leader of a cult?
Presidents shouldn't be allowed to get away with whatever they want by threatening the peace and stability of the nation with rabid cults loyal to them. America cannot function as a constitutional republic if the representatives of the people are held hostage by demagogues.
Moreover, Trump is not going to go away if he is pardoned. Nixon retreated out of the public eye and quietly rebuilt his reputation over the rest of his life as an elder statesman. Trump, however, will treat his pardon as a license to keep doing what he's been doing. Our nation
won't be able to move on from him because he will keep dictating Republican politics, campaigning for 2024, and hogging as much of the spotlight as possible.
All that a pardon would accomplish would be Trump getting away with crimes yet again. Trump's wealth and power have
always protected him from justice, and this would be yet another instance of that. Trump would learn nothing, evade justice again, and rather than let the country heal, he would merely keep rubbing salt in the wounds he created. As Trump often says, "it's time to get tough."
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