In 1852, 7yo Nicolean Marie Bertlesen was sent to America to meet her siblings in Utah. The advice she was given was "keep clean, wait on yourself, and never cry."

She was stuck in STL for two years waiting to be sent for. The call never came. Instead of complaining she (1/x)
took it upon herself to work and save money to pay for the trip herself. By age 9 she had saved enough money to get to Council Bluffs.

Once in CB, Cyrus Snell took her into his family to help his ill stricken wife and small children cross the plains in exchange for board (cont)
"I walked with the two Snell boys nearly the entire distance to Salt Lake City." She later recalled.

I have come across dozens of stories like this. Our nation was built upon sacrifice and grit. We would do well to remember that.
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