1/ Everyone is entitled to relief and joy, but we need to consider the future starting now. We were extremely lucky. It was luck we made, but we have to keep making it. We cannot do what Dems always do after they win: either lay down and nap or begin the intramural cannibalism.
2/ We had historic turnout. So did they. We do not know how much either side retains of that turnout in a post-Trump world. Right wing media is already fanning the flames of phantasmagorical hysteria.
3/ We barely got control of Congress, lost seats in the House, didn't pick up Senate seats we would have gotten if this election had been a rejection of the GOP rather than Trump. We lost states, most notably Florida and NC, we would have won if this had been an anti-GOP wave.
4/ The 2010 disaster still hovers over us. The GOP controls state legislatures it shouldn't because of the extreme, sophisticated, SCOTUS-enabled and approved gerrymandering and will be using those tools to bunker themselves in for another ten years.
5/ There are millions of Democratic voters too young to remember the 2010 disaster and learn from it, millions who pay no goddamn attention to anything except presidential elections, millions who are incapable of admitting errors and thus incapable of learning from them.
6/ In the next few days, Republicans will do what they do after defeat: skulk into dark rooms and begin plotting sabotage, certain that the MSM will enable it and the oligarchs will shower them with money to keep them from having to align their policies with popular will.
7/ As we speak, Fox is adjusting its business model to more hysteria, more disinformation, more rage, fear and anxiety to keep the eyeballs on their commercials rather than OANN and Newsmax. They've already trimmed yet another hour of news out of their coverage for more scraming.
8/ Meanwhile, the MSM is, with palpable relief, shrugging off the heavy and uncomfortable burden of distinguishing truth from lies and creeping back to holding Democrats to an exponentially higher standard than Republicans.
9/ With Trump gone, their ratings are going to slide and right wing media's will be going up as they spin an ever more elaborate fantasy land for their dispirited viewers. I do not expect the executives at MSM outlets to react well or responsibly to this new reality.
10/ We won by eight million votes. But we also only won by 148,212 votes. In a year of historic turnout. If this election showed us anything, it's that the electoral college is only going to fuck us harder and harder.
11/ Midterms are a bitch. When the president's party controls even one house, it almost always loses ground and we have no ground to lose. Presidential elections are aspirational, forward looking and enthusiastic. Democrats have natural temperamental advantage in them.
12/ Midterms are backward-looking and driven by anger and grievance. Republicans have a natural advantage in them and will be further fired by delusional revanchism. And worse, the toxic wing of the left will advocate not voting to "punish" Democrats for insufficient purity.
13/ I'm not trying to bring people down here. My point here is that Democrats are always taken by surprise by shit like the above when it happens and manage to bring themselves down at precisely the moment they should be standing up.
14/ The temptation to bask in the relief of renewed normalcy is powerful. By all means take some time to do it. But we won a battle, not a war. And we just barely fucking won it. So take your rest, but then we need to stand up and resume the fight. Us, not the politicians.
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