Sometime last year, I built an email list to sell (as an affiliate), Health Products.

Then something terrible happened.

I had built a list of 10k+ women, and just on the third day of my nurturing sequence, they were already asking if I had something to sell...
So, I started pitching my offer, and sales started coming in.

Now, the product I was selling, was promising results in 14 days. (and they had 'solid' proof to back it up).

But, as people bought, and used it overtime, they noticed that it didn't work AT ALL.
I started getting a lot of complaints, and they wanted their money back.

Here's the bad part: The company didn't offer a money back guarantee 😂.

So, what did I do?


Yes, from my personal money.

And I'll explain why, but here's another example:
Recently, someone paid for my Instagram Marketing Course.

Due to the fact that I was traveling about,

And I fell sick,

And my WhatsApp was constantly swarmed with messages that I couldn't bring myself to answer,

I couldn't give him access to the course, on time...
Now, he was patient enough.

He eventually came across another offer that offered that course + another one, at a discount.

So, he offered to just add money and get both. I agreed.

Then, when I was sending him the links to the courses, here's what I did.
I added an EXTRA pdf guide that he was not expecting.

Here's what I said:
Now, here's why I did it.

I once saw a quote that said: "People may not remember how much they paid, but they'll surely remember how they were treated."

People don't really care about the money, they just want the best service.
In the case of the Health Product;

If I didn't do that to show that I actually cared, there's no way those women would have bought anything from me again.

As for the guy that bought my course;

The delay already sowed a seed in him.

I had to do that to reassure him.
Point is: you need to constantly show people that you're actually interested in them, beyond their money.

Give them more than enough reasons to do business with you.

Give them the BEST service, and they'll keep coming.
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