Homeschooling update. 8yr old able to log in zoom, share meeting link with 4yr old brother, teach 4yr old to log on, share his screen & teach him about solar system. Little one totally into it for 30-40 min. School starts on teams with 24 kids in screen, 4yr old has meltdown.
Kids need individualized support, encouragement, ways to engage. Class starts at 9:15, ends at 2:30. It’s long. Gym comes on, he lays on the bed, videos come on & glitch. His attention span is about 20-25 min usually. Unless I’m with him every minute (hard with work), it fails.
Teachers are good sports & trying. The developmental stages and brain development of most of these kids is simply not there. 4yr old cries in frustration “it’s too hard”, he says. The 8yr old is doing better, but I question how much he is learning. Grades will tell, I guess.
I feel it’s an impossible situation. My wife & I are both psychologists. We are splitting our time 50/50 (work/home). More time at home, means less time with patients. It’s a no win for kids, parents/professionals & patients. While people are hopeful with the vaccine...
There are still many unknowns. How long will it take to get case count down low enough? I predict May based on last year’s data with the possibility of a third wave in October 2021. COVID is deadly, new variants scary, but I can’t overlook the damage done to kids...
We have a youth mental health crisis that have been amplified by the pandemic. The psychological assessment backlog is terribly long for special education, learning disabilities, autism and developmental disabilities. That will cause it’s own damage on child development...
The treatment backlog for youth mental health treatment is equally long & damaging. The adult side of things is equally bad. No assessment treatment & supports means more homelessness, overdoses, disability & suffering. I can’t speak about cancer and surgery, but seems bad.
I am not offering a solution or criticism, just a reflection. Teachers, kids, parents, public health, psychologists, physicians, politicians are all in a bind. Doing their best with what they have. The course we are on can’t be sustained for much longer. I want my kids in school.
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