Something else that I meant to include in the thread yesterday but forgot to was, who is Jason Kenney catering to? I mean, the obvious answer for everything at it's very ground level is his base but......does he know that he'd be completely irrelevant if all he has going into
next election is his base? There are far more people who got duped and hoodwinked into voting for him on laziness and ignorance than his base that is deeply rooted in the 1800's. So while he keeps sending mixed messages as he tries to keep the extreme right
interested, while pandering to those who are his base, and combatting the sensible arguments from the center-left crowd he's taking on water faster than an impaled Titanic. That doesn't factor in internal strife from his own self destructive nature of the individuals who make up
his OWN party. The fault lines are there and are cracking more daily. His incompetence is something that EVERY voter who's smarter than he is, which is an easy bar to surpass, can attack him over. He doesn't sound composed, he doesn't sound organized, he screams "chicken with
its head cut off". It's sheer anarchy. And btw, he's losing his support quickly from the populace, rural Alberta included. The next polling numbers should be especially encouraging as he continues to plummet. I hope the PM tells him to stay in his lane and that new president
Biden works with our PM to move things forward. Enough with the prehistoric bullshit. Send each and every one of them out to pasture. #abpoli #cdnpoli #FireKenney #FireTheUCP #EndIncompetence #ReadyTheStakes
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