There is a lot of repairing to do in America, between and among communities. The workplace is a critical forum. Racism hasn't merely persisted b/c of symbols, hate speech, or lies. Microaggressions and bias, unconscious or not, play a huge role. /2
Workplaces present a ripe venue for microaggressions - and, thereby, prevent any progress. Instead, it throws up continued obstacles, preventing women, minorities, LGBT, disabled from moving forward. /3
What @POTUS said about not tolerating disrespect or talking down spoke volumes. Sadly, that is not the norm in most workplaces. Most workplace leaders remain white and male. They often don't see, much less understand, what microaggressions are. /4
I've been in situations when I've brought up when a colleague has said something condescending or offensive to me or someone of color, only to be gaslighted, "You're too sensitive," or "You're blowing that out of proportion," or "That's not really offensive." /5
Guess what, white men, you don't get to tell me what offends me. And if you are white and a man, and a leader, you need to step up. Listen to those telling you about a disrespectful email or interaction. /6
When you don't it builds resentment, preventing us - women, POC, "the other" from showing up with enthusiasm and energy. Microaggressions sap energy, throw up barriers to performance and team building. /7
There is a lot of talk about pipeline issues at workplaces. Why women and POC leave organizations. Lack of mentors, opportunities for growth are definitely reasons. Microaggressions and the inability to address them are others. /8
Wherever you are, you have the ability to build on Biden's message of being civil and breaking down barriers. Listen. When someone says they feel disrespected, hurt, or offended, take it seriously. More importantly, like @POTUS don't tolerate it when it happens. /END
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